Extend A Helping Hand
Give Hope
Join with us in the spirit of generosity, and together we will build a just world for all.
I Give Because…
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. I try to obey the commandments and to be a part of the church is to support the church.
– Wentworth
Like a child or plant, it needs support and nourishment to grow. From this I take fellowship and wisdom, knowing my body and mind have been fed. I belong and truly feel loved and belong to my church family. God is with me.
God blesses us and we should share them.
My family and I always have. I feel the money goes to the best place that it could. I have trust and faith in its missions.
I like to help – not just with money.
– Ed
When I was a little girl, I used to come to church with my father and he always gave and told me that was the right thing to do and I know he was right.
– Cynthia
This is a community center, and people always need a place to be with God, good times and sad times.
– Crystal
It is a way of giving thanks. I believe helping people is the right thing to do.
It is an important part of my life and I believe an important part of the community.
– Al
My faith in God, and I believe our church makes Harrison a better place to live!
– Gerry
It is in memory of Marge & to be among friends. Primarily it keeps me connected through the teaching and helps me cope spiritually.
– Jack
I believe that giving to the church – it will continue to be there for others in the future, and all the good it does – spiritually and helping needing, sick and lost individuals.
– Lee
I believe –
I am the church
you are the church
we are the church together
God resides in the church
Therefore I want to live the
words I say I believe.
Reasons for supporting a church: Probably #1 is to keep me focused, whether I am hearing God's word, or praying, or sharing with that community or with the greater local and world community. Church interrupts the busyness of everyday life where one can easily forget what is important.
– Janice
Our Causes
Harrison Food Bank
The Harrison Food Bank offers food assistance at no cost to Western Maine residents in need. They operate as a non-profit (501 c-3), charitable organization that believes access to nutritious food is a basic human right.
Daisy’s Children
We help support a program to provide school lunches, medicines and school uniforms for children in Conçepcion del Norte, Honduras. It’s called Daisy’s Children, after a mother who starved to death in 2007 because she was giving her food to her four children. Here are a couple of pictures showing families getting food during Covid.
The Christmas Fund
The Christmas Fund has been caring for active and retired clergy and lay employees of the United Church of Christ for over 100 years, providing emergency grants, supplementation of small annuities and health premiums, and Christmas “Thank You” gift checks each December to our lower-income retirees.
Strengthen the Church
This offering reflects the shared commitment of people across the United Church of Christ to cooperatively build up the UCC. Conferences and the national setting equally share the gifts given by members and friends through their local congregations. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations.
Wayfinder Schools
This program has become a state and nationally recognized model of alternative education that has helped hundreds of Maine teens realize their goal of earning their high school diplomas. Using social justice, strength-based and relational strategies, we re-engage youth who are over-age and under-credited and at risk of not earning their high school diploma.
Andover Newton Seminary at Yale
For over 200 years Andover Newton has educated clergy and other religious leaders dedicated to serving the church.
Maine Council of Churches
Seeking Common Ground, Working for the Common Good
The Wilson Center, University of Maine
The Wilson Center is an independent, progressive religious & spiritual voice on campus. Our most central value is the equality of all people – we welcome people of all genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, races, religions, ethnicities, abilities, and economic backgrounds. We believe that we as a community and as individuals are enriched by diversity. We welcome seekers, agnostics, questioners, atheists, and people of every faith tradition. We welcome interfaith and multicultural events of all kinds.
Maine Seacoast Mission
Since 1905, the Mission has been connecting people to their strengths by offering healthcare, education, food, shelter, and spiritual support.
Deacons’ Fund
Every donation you make goes directly towards assisting local individuals facing hardships, primarily providing support for essential needs such as heating and utilities.
Church World Service Blanket Fund
When difficult times happen, a kind and loving response can make all the difference. That’s why the CWS Blankets program was created—to give a kind, loving and tangible response to someone facing a difficult time, reminding them that they are not alone.
One Great Hour of Sharing
This Lenten Offering supports the disaster, refugee, and development ministries of the United Church of Christ within Wider Church Ministries.
Neighbors in Need
Neighbors in Need consists of 2200+ members in Maine, many with no affiliations, and many who are leaders and volunteers from the following local organizations serving immigrants.
Habitat for Humanity
This is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities in Maine.
Grace Street Ministry
We are an outreach ministry offering a consistent, compassionate, pastoral presence to the homeless and marginalized in Portland, Maine
Hope Haven Gospel Ministry
Hope Haven is an emergency shelter located in the heart of the Lewiston/Auburn community. The Food Pantry/Giveaway Center is a dedicated space open 3 days per week where residents of the community can come gather food, clothing, and household items for their families.
Heifer Project International
Ending poverty begins with agriculture. We’re on a mission to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way by supporting and investing alongside local farmers and their communities.
Maine School of Ministry
We are home to over 150 congregations spread out across the state of Maine who gather to celebrate, express, and discover our faith. Our congregations all serve their communities in varying but impactful ways. From food banks to fuel assistance and from gathering spaces to immigration assistance, our congregations are helping do their part to make Maine a more welcoming, bonded and successful place.