Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey, the United Parish of Harrison and North Bridgton in Maine extends you a warm welcome.
Our Church
The two congregations, joined together, have served the North Bridgton and Harrison area for over 150 years. We are very much a community church, and a part of the United Church of Christ. Our roots are in the Congregational heritage.
What We Stand For
We are a distinct community of Christians that come together as one church united in Spirit to love all, welcome all and seek justice for all.
We Gather
Service of Worship and Children's Ministry is every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. We welcome you to join!
Rev. Franklin Anderson,
Pastor and Teacher
Helping Others
Whatever it is, see how you can make a difference today.
Get In Touch
Find out where we are and any other inquiries!